The Thomson Hotel is a building that really sticks out in downtown San Antonio.
For the longest time, all buildings downtown maintained that "historical" type look. You know, mostly brown brick with traditional type architecture. But within the last decade, San Antonio has "grown up" so to speak. New life is bringing new design, and downtown is starting to show.
The Thompson is another project in which Sharp Glass did all of the amazing glass on the building. I once photographed an event there, but nothing that focused on the architecture. So needless to say, it was an exciting job.
This shoot was broken up into two, one at sunrise and one at sunset. Scheduling was tricky because of the weather and the fact that the Rodeo was in full session, so random events would pop up all over the city. But as always, patience and persistence always pays off. Here are the results:

I also received a request from another company to take photos of the metal panels on the side of the building. The photos below are focused on that feature.