I'll be honest...this project presented somewhat of a thorn in my side. Not because the project itself was difficult, but timing the perfect shot was a pain.
When I was initially contacted about this project, San Antonio had experienced about 3 weeks of mostly cloudy days. This can work to your advantage for interior shoots, but it wreaks havoc on my style for exterior shoots. Luckily, the next two days were forecasted for clear skies.
I set out for a sunset shoot and the conditions were perfect. I didn't do any scouting prior, so I left enough time to check out the best angles beforehand. Luckily, everything was perfect and I got some great shots of the rear of the building.
Photographing the front of a building was a completely different story.
The front needed to be scheduled for a sunrise shoot. On top of that, it couldn't be done on a weekend because The Pearl has a Farmer's Market that I can't shoot around. No problem, I planned to shoot on a weekday. The problem was that "cloudy forecast" came right back to haunt me.
The forecast for San Antonio changed on an hourly basis. I'd plan to shoot the next morning, only to see a cloudy forecast 30 minutes later. On three occasions, I woke up to no clouds, made the 40 min drive to downtown only to be cursed with overcast.
Needless to say, persistence paid off and I eventually got the shots I needed. The client prefers quality over quickness, so they appreciated the effort. Check out the results below: